Thursday, March 16, 2017

God Doesn't Care Who You Fuck

God doesn't care who you fuck.

Or if you are monogamous.

Or how you fuck for that matter. He doesn't care if you're a whore. Or if you can't keep a job for your life. Or if you're a slob.

God doesn't care if you save money.

God cares if you lie and steal. He'd rather you not. But He loves you anyway.

I think its pretty damn amazing that there is an entity in this universe who can love ALL of us. Cuz we are pretty fucked up. The diverse formations of fucked-up-ness is as unique as a snowflake or a fingerprint. No two ways of fucking up are alike.

God cares that you try to be a better version of yourself each day.

God cares that you don't give up. And God cares that you don't give up on him. Because he doesn't give up on you.

By the way I can't imagine loving everybody in this world.

You mean the dirty cop who assaults you in your own home and tries to charge you as resisting arrest just because he can? You mean the grandmother who murders her grandchild by beating her to death and the father who watches from his deathbed and cheers her own? You mean the jerkoffs who know you have nothing to give but sue you and take everything just because you can? How can God love them?

Well he does because he sees the full picture. He does because he understands how they got to that evil place in a way you never can. And he has empathy. You and each individual on the face of this earth are tiny bits of the whole that is God. So when you hurt he hurts too.
Or she, or it or whatever.

Just remember. God doesn't care if you go to church on Sunday. Or if you smoke. Or if you have a spending habit. Or who you fuck. He just wants you to be happy and show love to everyone.

We are here to be loved.